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Kitsana Jeeramakorn
Subin Yurarach
Kriangkrai Satjaharuthai


These objectives of this article were aims to 1) study the conceptual framework for management strategies for community learning centers, 2) study the current condition and desired conditions of management strategies for community learning centers. and 3) develop management strategies for community learning centers of Bangkok according to the concept of lifelong learning of the elderly. Using a multiphase mixed methods research method. Sample groups include: There were 212 elderly people in community learning centers in Bangkok. The tools used were questionnaires, interviews and assessment forms. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.92, 0.95, respectively. Analyze data for averaging Standard deviation, PNImodified index, and content analysis. Carry out data collection Interview format with in-depth interviews Questionnaires and self-assessments. The results of the research found that 1) The conceptual framework for management strategies of Bangkok Metropolitan community learning centers based on the concept of lifelong learning for the elderly consists of the concepts of community learning center management, quality of life for the elderly, lifelong learning for the elderly, and strategy development. 2) The current conditions and desirable conditions of management strategies for community learning centers in Bangkok were overall at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.63, S.D. = 0.69), with the elderly's quality of life in terms of health, environment, and social aspects at a high level, while the economic aspect was at a moderate level; and 3) The management strategies for Bangkok Metropolitan community learning centers based on the concept of lifelong learning for the elderly include: 1) Enhancing the quality of life of the elderly to suit their environment, 2) Establishing a network of appropriate occupations for the elderly 3) Organizing enjoyable social activities for the elderly, and 4) Arranging beneficial activities for the elderly

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How to Cite
Jeeramakorn, K., Yurarach, S., & Satjaharuthai, K. (2024). MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF BANGKOK METROPOLITAN LEARNING CENTERS BASED ON THE CONCEPT OF LIFELONG LEARNING FOR ELDERLY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(6), 279–291. Retrieved from
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