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Nuttorn Sukseethong
Koolarb Rudtanasudjatum
Vasuton Tanvatanakul
Anamai Thetkathuek


This research article aims to 1) study the characteristics of traditional wisdom in eye care and 2) analyze the benefits of traditional wisdom in eye care. This was a qualitative research with key informants including 89 community scholars and people knowledgeable about traditional wisdom using purposive sampling. The tool used to collect data was a structured in-depth interview with questions about the thinking base and knowledge characteristics of eye care wisdom. Data analysis used content analysis and data reliability checking using data triangulation. The results found that traditional wisdom in eye care is medical science or alternative therapy techniques for eye care, classified into 4 groups: 1) indications 2) using herbs to care for eye health through various methods, including eating, compressing on the eyelids. and compressing the toes that affect the eyes 3) facial massage, head massage and 4) using concentration and vision. Benefits of traditional wisdom in eye care slow down the deterioration of the eyes by stimulating blood circulation nourishing eye tissue and relaxation of eye muscles. Currently, these wisdoms are still being used all over the country and are beneficial in their use that are consistent with the criteria for considering alternative medicine, including reliability, safety, effectiveness and value. There should be a study of treatment mechanisms that can be explained using the process of searching for answers and considering the appropriateness of the time period in the stage of the disease in order to be used as wisdom in eye care in parallel with modern medicine.

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How to Cite
Sukseethong, N., Rudtanasudjatum, K., Tanvatanakul, V., & Thetkathuek, A. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS AND BENEFITS OF WISDOM FOR EYE CARE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(6), 292–303. Retrieved from
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