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Kanida Kraisanti
Chutima Wangbenmad
Jutamas Prommontree
Kornkamol Soonsuwon
Farida Sasha
Natee Hemmant
Thanapong Wunsaeng
Phafan Rattana
Thanakorn Pruekrattananapa
Chayathat Aiewruengsurat
Suphannee Mardyusoh
Khanungnit Hnuchek


The research aimed to 1) Design and develop an electronic commerce platform to increase marketing channels for entrepreneurs in Songkhla province through HU Marketing HUB 2) Study the satisfaction of users of the electronic commerce platform to increase marketing channels for entrepreneurs in Songkhla province through HU Marketing HUB. This is a mixed-methods research study. Data were collected using focus groups with entrepreneurs, community enterprises, OTOPs, and SMEs in Songkhla Province by selecting a purposive sample of 20 cases and a satisfaction survey with 400 users of the e-commerce platform by convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using content analysis and statistical analysis. Including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test statistics and F-test statistics. The research results found that for entrepreneurs in Songkhla Province through HU Marketing HUB, which is a product distribution center for entrepreneurs in Songkhla Province, has a good operating system from the participation of entrepreneurs in Songkhla province, lecturers, and students of Hatyai Business School, Hatyai University. The website is and is divided into two parts: the Front-end system and the Back-end system. The satisfaction of users of the electronic commerce platform was found to be overall at a high level with a mean of 4.25. The Access to the HU Marketing HUB platform is available at all times, the system was easy to use, it was easy to find the products they wanted. There was a system to notify users of orders and payments, and the service received when ordering was clear and accurate. When comparing satisfaction with using electronic commerce platforms, it was found that age and the devices used to order products different people had different levels of satisfaction, with a statistical significance level of .05

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How to Cite
Kraisanti, K., Wangbenmad, C., Prommontree, J., Soonsuwon, K., Sasha, F., Hemmant, N., Wunsaeng, T., Rattana, P., Pruekrattananapa, T., Aiewruengsurat, C., Mardyusoh, S., & Hnuchek, K. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE PLATFORM TO INCREASE MARKETING CHANNELS FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN SONGKHLA PROVINCE THROUGH HU MARKETING HUB. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 37–47. Retrieved from
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