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Wansani Krachangyut
Pharit Suphasetsiri
Kittikorn NopUdomphan


This article is part of a research project on a comparative study of indigo dye products from Thailand, China and Japan. The researcher presented on product development issues in Thailand, China, and Japan. The area selected for the research study is a famous production and development area for indigo dye products. The issue of product development is one of the issues of the research study. The results of the study found that the development of indigo dye products in 3 countries has the direction of product development leading to an international industry system so that products are in demand in the domestic and international markets. By all 3 countries have a product development process divided into 11 steps as follows:- 1) Clearly defining product goals and objectives, 2) Defining product limitations, 3) Product concept creation, 4) Product concept selection, 5) Analyzing feasibility and direction of marketing in terms of products, 6) Product concept development, 7) Product prototype creation, 8) Production process development, 9) Product testing and market trials, 10) Marketing planning and consumer studies, 11) Product distribution locations which can be divided into characteristics of products produced and developed in the areas of all 3 countries, divided into 4 formats, divided into:- 1) Lifestyle, 2) Ready-made fabrics, 3) Ready-made fashion products, 4) Furniture and home decorations. In this regard, the selection of ideas in the field of product design and development, it is an important process that all 3 countries have the aim and desire to be suitable and able to make indigo dye products that are local wisdom of Thailand, China and Japan in order to reach and be known as well as being in demand in the market in the present era.

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How to Cite
Krachangyut, W., Suphasetsiri, P., & NopUdomphan, K. (2024). A STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS OF INDIGO DYEING PRODUCTS IN THAILAND, CHINA AND JAPAN. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 104–114. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/274626
Research Articles


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