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Pakornkiat Phaiwan
Nikom Lonkunthos
Asada Wannakayont
Thiangtham Sitthichantsen


This research article aims to 1) develop a prototype semi-automatic chitosan stirring machine for community use, and 2) test its efficiency and evaluate its quality. This applied research utilizes tools including the chitosan stirring machine, efficiency test tables, and quality assessment forms. The research methodology involves a six-step mechanical development process followed by performance testing and quality evaluation by experts. Data analysis was conducted using statistical methods, including mean and standard deviation. The research findings are as follows 1)The semi-automatic chitosan stirring machine has a stainless steel structure, is lightweight and compact, with dimensions of 40 cm in width, 80 cm in length, and 125 cm in height. It is equipped with wheels and brakes, a hand-formed mixing tank with a production rate of 25 liters, a discharge valve, a 0.25 horsepower (HP) electric motor operating at 220 volts, a paddle-type agitator, and performance-enhancing devices including an adjustable heating system, variable speed control, and a time control system for overall machine operation. 2) The performance testing results of the prototype semi-automatic chitosan stirring machine for community use showed an average output of 19,768 milliliters, an average loss of 2,232 milliliters, and an average efficiency of 89.85%. The quality evaluation of the prototype semi-automatic chitosan stirring machine for community use indicated an overall rating at the highest level, with an average score of 4.68 and a standard deviation of 0.47. The highest-rated aspect was design quality, with an average score of 4.72 and a standard deviation of 0.46.

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How to Cite
Phaiwan, P., Lonkunthos, N., Wannakayont, A., & Sitthichantsen, T. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF PROTOTYPE SEMI-AUTOMATIC CHITOSAN STIRRER FOR COMMUNITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 115–126. retrieved from
Research Articles


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