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Orathaya Saramart
Apichart Pholprasert
Jintavee Khlaisang


This research has two objectives: 1) to study the data on the digital arts instructional model with mobile applications to enhance the well-beings of the elderly and 2) to develop a model for the digital arts instructional model with mobile applications to enhance the well-beings of the elderly by using a research and development method. The first phase was interviewing sample groups who were 20 elderly people aged 60 years or over and 14 experts, which were selected from purposing samplings along with observing teaching activities to collect data for creating tools used in the second phase of the research that were assessment, questionnaire, interviews and behavior observation forms. The results of the study found that 1) The elderly as the main population had become the obstacle to develop nation due to illness, abandonment, retirement and social changes from the past. Indeed, the way to create the digital arts instructional model with mobile applications to enhance the well-beings of the elderly was consisted of objectives, content, learner as elderly, teachers, instructional model, media, atmosphere and evaluation, and 2) create AAWE teaching model (Art Applications for Well-beings of the Elders Teaching Model) was used to sample groups of 90 elderly people in the second phase. It was divided into 9 activities with 10 people each in 3 techniques: drawing, photography and image editing., and edit video clips. Each technique was classified into topics up to the elderly interests in the environment, people, and careers. The teaching activity was consisted of 6 steps: preparation, teaching and demonstration, expression, presentation, exhibition, and evaluation by using art together with digital on the application that is virtual and can enhance well-beings for the elderly by focusing mainly on the mental and social aspects.

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How to Cite
Saramart, O., Pholprasert, A., & Khlaisang, J. (2024). THE DIGITAL ARTS INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL ON MOBILE APPLICATIONS TO ENHANCE WELL-BEINGS OF THE ELDERLY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 171–183. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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