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Treererk Pechmon
Nilrat Navagitpaitoon
Teerasak Jindabot


The objectives of this research were to 1) Study the data, goals, components, processes, and relevant factors in content marketing for service businesses of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 2) Develop a content marketing model for service businesses of SMEs, and       3) Evaluate the effectiveness of the content marketing model for service businesses of SMEs. The research employed a research and development approach. The first group of key informants consisted of 15 SMEs entrepreneurs and marketing professionals from the service sector. The second group comprised 20 target consumers who participated in in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used for selection. The research results were used to develop a content marketing model for SMEs service businesses. The draft model was evaluated by experts and implemented in three pilot businesses, including accommodation and law office businesses. It was then applied to three additional businesses. A water park, a fitness center, and a restaurant to assess its effectiveness. The findings revealed that entrepreneurs primarily aimed to create content for sales purposes. Common issues included lack of ideas, lack of understanding in content marketing, and problems with brand recognition among customers. Content factors influencing customers' purchasing decisions included images and videos. Effective content types included atmosphere depictions, actual service demonstrations, service introductions, reviews, and sales-focused content. The evaluation of the content marketing model for SMEs service businesses showed that entrepreneurs could work more easily and systematically. Target audience reach increased by 34.62%, 14.64%, and 11.19% respectively, while engagement increased by 19.06%, 16.26%, and 21.95% respectively.

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How to Cite
Pechmon, T., Navagitpaitoon, N., & Jindabot, T. (2024). CONTENT MARKETING MODEL FOR SERVICE BUSINESSESOF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 276–286. Retrieved from
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