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Rattana Pichitpreecha
Marut Patphol
Danulada Jamjuree


This research article aims to study the definition and elements of digital safety skill of undergraduate students and evaluate the appropriateness of the definition and elements of digital safety skill of undergraduate students. The research is using mixed methods and it consists of qualitative research and quantitative research in term of document analysis and connoisseurship. The groups of key informants are the persons who related to information technology and digital field, the protection of online information security, and online information security and technological crimes suppression including the persons who graduated in educational technology fields and have at least five years of experience teaching undergraduate students total six persons and using purposive sampling with specific criteria. The results of the research have showed that the definition and elements of digital safety skill of undergraduate students are the definition means undergraduate students' behavior to deal with risks in the digital environment including data protection and privacy, cyberbullying prevention, and protecting themselves in risky situations in the digital environment. These are 3 elements 1) personal information and privacy data protection in the digital environment 2) cyberbullying management and 3) survival in risky situations in the digital environment. The results of the evaluation of the appropriateness of the definition and elements of the skills for digital safety skill showed that the connoisseurship found the definition and elements of digital safety skill of undergraduate students are appropriate at a high level. Especially, the cyberbullying management element that has the appropriateness at the highest level because the skill is necessary for living nowadays

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How to Cite
Pichitpreecha, R., Patphol, M., & Jamjuree, D. (2024). THE STUDY OF DIGITAL SAFETY SKILL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 48–57. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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