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This research aimed to study the effectiveness of health promoting program for older patients with diabetes, and satisfaction with program by using quasi - experimental research. The sample groups were 80 older patients with type 2 diabetes patients, uncontrol blood sugar levels and no had complications from diabetes, had the phone or network of village health volunteers to follow up and care for patients. They were divided an experimental group and a comparative group, each group consisted of 40 samples. Research instruments were health promoting program for older patients with diabetes, questionnaire on the use of health promoting program and medical record form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics namely number, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Chi - square test, Independent t - test and Paired sample t - test. The results of using health promoting program for older patients with diabetes found that older patients with diabetes had improved overall self - care behavior and terms of eating, exercise, stress management, risk factor control and disease surveillance, but there was no difference in taking medicine, lower blood sugar levels, body mass index and waist circumference and better than the traditional health promoting program in terms of overall self - care behavior and terms of eating, exercise, stress management, risk factor control and disease surveillance, but there was no difference in taking medicine, lower blood sugar levels than the traditional health promoting program by statistically significant, but body mass index and waist circumference were not statistically different. In this regard, who received health promoting program for older patients very satisfied at 90.0%. So, new health promoting programs should be implemented and expand to other Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital.
Article Details
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