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Supranee Chomjumjang
Chakapong Phaetlakfa
Atipat Vijitsatitrat


The objective of this research article is to study the factors affecting the sustainable development of the Kudeejeen community. This qualitative research employs in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, with purposive sampling of key informants, including community leaders, local scholars, community learning center representatives, and community committee members, totaling 15 people. The data collected were systematically analyzed using content analysis and presented through narrative storytelling. The research findings reveal that the factors affecting the sustainable development of the Kudeejeen community can be categorized into four main aspects: 1) Enhancing the cultural space for the community 2) Strengthening civil society 3) Empowering community organizations and 4) Respecting the rights and diversity of a pluralistic society. Currently, the Kudeejeen community is well-prepared and strong in terms of community cooperation. However, the community lacks knowledge or methods and processes for community development management, as well as the development of its cultural capital to gain recognition, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted various aspects of community management, such as tourism promotion, education management, and economic activities. Additionally, there are issues related to the lack of funding support for community management and the need to foster pride, love, and a sense of belonging within the Kudeejeen community. Therefore, all community members must collaborate continuously and earnestly in addressing and developing the community. Given these factors, it is necessary to study the factors influencing the development of the Kudeejeen community to enable development processes and changes that keep pace with global situations

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How to Cite
Chomjumjang, S., Phaetlakfa, C., & Vijitsatitrat, A. (2024). STUDY ON FACTORS AFFECTING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KUDEEJEEN COMMUNITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 318–328. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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