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Supawadee Tongruangrak
Sittipong Sittipattaprapa
Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon


This research aims to 1) analyze the general condition of political awareness in democracy of people in Trang Province, 2) analyze the factors affecting political awareness in democracy of people in Trang Province, and 3) create the explicit knowledge about the form of political awareness in democracy of people in Trang Province. This research is a qualitative research with 26 participants and a group discussion forum with 10 participants. The research instruments are interview forms and descriptive data analysis. It was found that 1) the general condition of political awareness in democracy of people in Trang Province is more politically active. In the past, people would pay attention to political parties, but now they will pay attention to the candidates. However, if it is a political party, they will pay attention to the famous party, i.e. the campaign method. Youths will pay more attention to political parties with popularity than political parties with old policies, which can be seen from the old problems that have not been solved, as seen from old political parties. Original base of Trang province 2) Factors affecting political awareness in a democracy It was found that there are many factors affecting political awareness, including 2.1) Political parties 2.2) Qualifications of candidates 2.3) Vision expression and 2.4) Social media 3) Forms of political awareness in a democracy of people in Trang province It was found that the integration of new knowledge, called the 3P 1S Model, namely P = Political Party Personal Character of Political Qualifications P = Political Debate Vision expression S = Social Media Social media Recommendations for further research on the following issues: 1) Integrating the principles of Dharma to promote political awareness in a democracy of youth in Trang province 2) Youth political awareness in a democracy and 3) Teachers' participatory actions to enhance students' leadership skills.

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How to Cite
Tongruangrak, S., Sittipattaprapa, S., & Chamnanphuttiphon, S. (2024). THE FORM OF POLITICAL AWAKENING IN DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF PEOPLE IN TRANG PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(8), 111–122. Retrieved from
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