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The objectives of this research were to study 1) the Spark U Lanna project’s content design for spreading culture through social media; 2) the Spark U Lanna project’s online social media presentation of culture; 3) the Spark U Lanna project’s broadcasting of content through social media; and 4) the Spark U Lanna project’s development of communication tactics to promote culture using social media. This research used the qualitative research method of in - depth interviews. The 15 key informants were chosen through purposive sampling from those directly involved with the Spark U Lanna project’s communications. The first group consisted of representatives of the Chiang Mai provincial culture group, the Spark U Lanna project’s executive committee and consultants, the Nakhon Chiang Mai Municipality, and the 33rd Military Circle at Fort Kawila; and the second group consisted of individuals representing producers of a Lanna historical drama, the content design team, the production team of an online light and sound show, Lanna folk philosophers, and leading Lanna local artists. The results showed that 1) the Spark U Lanna project’s content design consisted of choosing persuasive language to stimulate people’s emotions and ideas to draw viewers in and tie them in to become emotionally invested in the story. 2) The project’s online culture presentation is a continuous format consistent with history and politics. Using a feature - based model to resemble virtual history 3) The Spark U Lanna project’s broadcasting of content through social media is a cultural inheritance in 3D to persuade media users and viewers to engage in a cross - media mix between YouTube and Facebook. 4) Suggestions for the further development of communication strategies in content design and presentation through online media with complex forms and methods in terms of history, lifestyles, unique traditions, and other languages should be written to help enhance understanding. Formulate a communication strategy plan that leads to action in the local social and cultural context.
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