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Wittayatorn Tokeaw
Kawit Srisamrit


The purpose of this research was to study 1) the concepts of network-building, 2) the policies of network-building, 3) the process of network-building and 4) the principles of network-building for organizational public relations used by Thungsong Municipality. The data was collected by doing in-depth interviews with 27 key informants who were directly involved with the subject. The results showed that 1) organizational network-building for public relations work was primarily based on the concept of participation. The municipality already used participatory work systems for all its operations, encouraging all stakeholders to take a part and to communicate closely with the municipality. The organization adheres to the concept that everyone in the networks are public relations staffs and all are joint owners. Everyone is invested in the effort, so everyone should work together with resolve and take joint responsibility for driving communications to meet the joint objectives. 2) The network-building policy was to support teamwork with close participation and to encourage a spirit of friendship, always listening to every network member’s concerns. 3) The process of network-building consisted of strategic planning, relationship building, capacity building, public relations operations according to the mission, selecting appropriate communication channels, using media to reach the target groups, and finally, evaluating the results. 4) The principles of network building were, first, to manage a diverse group of stakeholders who could contribute to public relations, and to build strong relationships among them. Another principle was to use good communications management by providing content that matched the needs of the message receivers and was easy to spread and pass along. Relationship building was mainly accomplished through meetings and social media communications. Lastly, the responsible personnel were in an office that was well managed.

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How to Cite
Tokeaw, W., & Srisamrit, K. (2024). NETWORK-BUILDING FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS BY THUNGSONG MUNICIPALITY, NAKHON SI THAMMARAT PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 9–19. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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