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Supapan Thipsasjatham
Prapapen Suwan


The purpose of the research is to 1) Analyze the situation. 2) Develop a model for promoting lifestyle according to anti-aging medicine in pre-hypertension and 3) Test and evaluate the model. It is research and development, sample group there were 285 people pre-hypertension. The instruments used were questionnaires, interviews, and assessment forms. The quality of the instruments was 0.6 to 0.8. Statistics used: percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the research found that Phase 1: Analysis of the lifestyle behavior situation regarding food consumption. exercise and stress management overall, it was at the “moderate” level (  = 2.09, SD = 0.64). Systolic blood pressure level and diastolic blood pressure were at the “risky” level (  = 130.12, SD = 8.53, and  = 82.96, SD = 2.62). Waist circumference was at the “obese” level (  = 87.64, SD = 5.50) and “obese” body mass index (  = 26.31, SD = 2.81). Phase 2: Develop the model by 12 involved health network partners. The format is a learning activity plan that focuses on food consumption. exercise and stress management; and Phase 3: Model testing and evaluation, pre-hypertension individuals , 40 each in the experimental and the compalison groups for 10 weeks. Descriptive statistics were used: Independent t-test and Repeated Measures ANCOVA. The research results found that lifestyle behaviors regarding food consumption exercise and stress management Better pre-test using the format and better than the comparison group including blood pressure levels Body mass index and waist circumference of the experimental group decreased better than pre-test using the model and and significantly better than the comparison group (p<0.05).

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How to Cite
Thipsasjatham, S., & Suwan, P. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A LIFESTYLE PROMOTION MODEL APPLYING ANTI AGING MEDICINE PRE HYPERTENSION PEOPLE UBON RATCHATHANI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(8), 295–305. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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