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Thawil Sangthamchevin
Pairote Stirayakorn
Santirat Nansaarng


The objectives of this research were to: 1) Study the problems and needs in vocational teaching and learning management by integrating learning process with STEM education, 2) Develop and evaluate the appropriateness of the vocational teaching and learning management model by integrating learning process with STEM education, and 3) Develop and evaluate the efficiency of the training course for the vocational teaching and learning management model by integrating learning process with STEM education. The sample group consisted of 400 staffs of administrative team by simple random sampling heads of the curriculum and teaching development center, and teachers in vocational colleges. The research statistics included percentage, mean, SD, and PNI modified to arrange the needs. The results showed that: 1) The conditions and problems of vocational learning management were at a moderate level, with the need for the learning management model at a high level. The highest aspect of the design for the problem solution, followed by defining the problems, testing and evaluation and task solution, proposing the solutions with the expected results, planning and implementation of the solutions, and idea data collection related to the problem solution. 2) The vocational teaching and learning management model by integrating the learning process with STEM Education consisted of 6 steps, i.e., teacher preparation process, STEM teacher development, selecting an appropriate teaching method, designing learning activities, setting learning conditions, and preparing evaluation process. The results of the appropriateness evaluation showed that the model was at a high level. 3) The developed training course reached an efficiency of 83.81/80.75 with the practical part of 82.61%. Finally, the users’ satisfaction was high, while the product evaluation reached a very high level overall.

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How to Cite
Sangthamchevin, T., Stirayakorn, P., & Nansaarng, S. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL TEACHING AND LEARNING MANAGEMENT MODEL BY INTEGRATING LEARNING PROCESS WITH STEM EDUCATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 303–314. Retrieved from
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