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Kanya Wongvetchakul
Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon
Kantaphon Nuthongkaew


The objectives of this research are as follows: 1) Analyze concepts and theories,              2) Integrate principles, and 3) Build knowledge about "Creative Social Interaction for a Peaceful Society along Buddhist Lines". The results of the study showed that: 1) Actions between two or more things to obtain a positive result, useful or come out in a way that has a negative effect on what is being done, 2) Practice of Buddhist principles, such as the 6 directions: the foreground direction, which is the parents, the right direction, the teacher, the background direction, the husband and wife, the left direction, which is friends, the upper direction, which is the Brahmin monk and the under direction, which is the servant. The body of knowledge stand by the SAM model namely; S = Speech is verbal action, charitable deeds, do not lie, do not speak sly, do not speak profanity, do not speak ill, and do not speak deliriously, A = Action (physical action or honest body) is to do karma with the body, whether it is good or evil, it is called the corrupt body, M = Mind (mental action, conscience), is to do karma by thinking. Whether it is bad karma or good karma, it is called corruption, and the integration of principles about constructive social interaction should encourage the practice of Buddhist principles in order to coexist for Living a life of dependency. There is a bond and a good relationship is created in society.

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How to Cite
Wongvetchakul, K., Chamnanphuttiphon, S., & Nuthongkaew, K. (2024). THE CREATIVE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS FOR A PEACEFUL SOCIETY ACCORDING TO BUDDHISM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 73–85. Retrieved from
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