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This research aims to study 1) to study the elements of effectiveness in the administration of the Juvenile and Family Court in the Juvenile Counseling and Rehabilitation Center; 2) to study the problem conditions. Obstacles and guidelines for developing the management process As for the counseling and rehabilitation centers for children and youth that are effective, this research is a qualitative research. The sample used in the study is workers in the Provincial Juvenile and Family Courts under the Office of the Chief Justice in 9 provinces. Region includes the head of the counseling center. Psychologist at the counseling center The sample group totaled 18 people, consisting of the head of the counseling center. and psychologist The results of the study found that problems, obstacles, and guidelines for developing the management process Found a problem with a lack of coordination. Especially organizations in the public sector still lack cooperation. mutual understanding Lack of information exchange and lack of joint planning. In addition, there is the issue of conflicting uses of power. or overlapping in some matters It can lead to conflicts in operations from time to time. This makes unified development difficult. For private sector organizations There is still a lack of support to enable them to develop their potential to play a greater role in treating children and youth in the justice process. The researcher has suggestions for developing a collaborative system between various agencies. In the juvenile justice process, for example, relevant agencies should have an administrative structure that facilitates coordination between agencies. There should be an administrative policy that goes in the same direction. There should be an integrated operational plan.
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