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Tonsai Kaewsawang
Wiwat Worawong
Wanida Sarati
Pummarin Chuanchom
Pornnipha Thumprasoet


This research aimed to: 1) Study the problems and needs in developing short-term training curriculum sets to enhance psychological skills for KRURAKTIN (Local Teacher Development) scholarship students, 2) Develop and evaluate the efficiency of the short-term training curriculum sets, and 3) Implement and assess the effectiveness of the short-term training curriculum sets. The research was a multi-phase mixed method research, conducted in two phases: Phase 1 involved studying the problems and needs, and developing and evaluating the efficiency of the short-term training curriculum sets. This phase employed qualitative research methods, utilizing focus group discussions with a sample of 12 KRURAKTIN scholarship students. and Phase 2 focused on implementing and assessing the effectiveness of the short-term training curriculum sets, which were divided into four curricula based on academic year levels. The sample consisted of 115 KRURAKTIN scholarship students. The research findings were as follows: 1) KRURAKTIN scholarship students demonstrated a necessity for enhancement in psychological skills through four curricula: self-awareness skill training, application of positive psychology in daily life, stress management and cognitive-behavioural adjustment techniques, and willpower enhancement. 2) Each training curriculum comprised principles and rationale, objectives, content, structure, activities, and media. The evaluation results indicated that the short-term training curriculum sets were highly effective. and 3) The implementation of the short-term training curriculum sets revealed that for all four curricula, students who participated in the training demonstrated a statistically significant increase in knowledge aligned with the training objectives at the 0.01 level. Furthermore, the students expressed a high level of satisfaction with the training curricula.

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How to Cite
Kaewsawang, T., Worawong, W., Sarati, W., Chuanchom, P., & Thumprasoet, P. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF SHORT-TERM TRAINING CURRICULUM SETS TO ENHANCE PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS: A CASE STUDY OF KRURAKTIN SCHOLARSHIP AT MUBAN CHOMBUENG RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 60–72. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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