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Petchrada Orchaiyapoom
Wittayatorn Tokeaw
Korrakoch Kantaboon
Jitarporn Suchivoraseth


The objectives of this research were to study communication to build public participation in a circular economy initiative for managing marine waste at Libong Island Sub - district in Trang Province in terms of: 1) context; 2) management; 3) strategies; and 4) approaches for developing better communication. This was qualitative research based on in - depth interviews to collect data from 21 participants. The results showed that 1) context - there was a serious problem with marine waste in the monsoon season. The local residents were aware and understood the problem, but lacked a firm plan and operational guidelines on how to communicate effectively to inform people, change opinions and modify behavior. 2) Management - consisted of planning communication strategies, selecting topics to be communicated that matched the context of the problem, people’s needs, and the people’s way of life. The emphasis was on using existing types of media that were easy to access. Communication mainly used personal media. Evaluation was done on a regular basis to use the results in modifying strategies and tactics. 3) Strategies - build awareness and inform people so they would be conscious of the need to participate in waste management in the correct ways. The strategies aimed to persuade people to follow along and change their behavior. Personal media was used along with the public broadcast system, signs, websites, and online social media to build awareness and modify behavior. There was a strategy of building a network of allies from every sector to join in communications planning, operations and evaluation. 4) Approaches for development – an ad hoc working team should be established to set clearly - defined missions and goals. Role models and influencers should be recruited to help make the communications impactful. Marketing principles should be utilized. The communication evaluation system should be updated to collect more qualitative and quantitative data.

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How to Cite
Orchaiyapoom, P., Tokeaw, W., Kantaboon, K., & Suchivoraseth, J. (2024). COMMUNICATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY USAGE FOR MANAGING MARINE DEBRIS AT LIBONG ISLAND SUB - DISTRICT, TRANG PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 231–244. Retrieved from
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