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This article aims to study the identity of Bang Saray fishing community in the context of cultural landscape conservation of the community and the development approach of Bang Saray community by using qualitative research combined with quantitative research and using semi-structured interview tools in focus group interview with key informants and having experts check and evaluate the interview forms. Data were collected from sample groups, including fishermen, people in and out of Bang Saray sub - district, community leaders, tourists and local government officials. The results of the study found that the selected 4 cultures are the overall culture of Bang Saray fishing community and the identity analysis is as follows: 1) Culture of folk literature: fishing way of life, Bang Saray fishing community identity using fishing way of life as an image
2) Culture of sacred objects and places of worship: Wat Luang Pho Thong Yu, identity using Wat Luang Pho Thong Yu as an image 3) Culture of marine geography: sea view, Bang Saray fishing community identity using sea view as an image and 4) Culture of landscape: Scout camp and rubber tree (Bang Saray Beach Public Park) , the identity of Bang Saray fishing community using rubber tree (Bang Saray Beach Public Park) as the image representative by analyzing and integrating graphic images representing the community identity together with the main concept (Main conceptual design) to lead to the management guidelines of Bang Saray Beach Public Park area with the symbolic core idea (Theme design) of the identity representative in the form of a fish combined with the shape of rubber fruit and the lines of the fruit's wings to be the criteria for the management guidelines of Bang Saray Beach Public Park area.
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