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Sirikanda Silapanura
Phubet Poungkaew
Choocheep Puthapraser
Saiphon Sanjaiprom


This research aims to study the problems and factors, create strategies and manuals for driving, and examine and evaluate the strategies and manuals for driving the promotion of sustainable quality education development in private childcare centers in Chiang Mai province.    It is a Mixed-Method Research. The samples were administrators, teachers, caregivers, and parents, totaling 291 people. The key informants were stakeholders in private childcare centers in Chiang Mai province, totaling 120 people, 7 focus group discussions, 11 workshops, 7 verifications of accuracy and appropriateness, and specific selection assessments of feasibility and usefulness. The research instruments were a 5-level questionnaire, conversation records, and workshop records. The statistics used in the research and data analysis were mean, standard deviation, content analysis using SWOT Matrix, TOWs Matrix, verification of accuracy and appropriateness, and assessment of feasibility and usefulness. The research results found that 1) The problems and factors in promoting sustainable quality education development in private childcare centers, administrators, teachers, and caregivers were at a moderate level, while parents had real problems at a moderate level. 2) The strategies consisted of vision, mission, objectives, strategic issues, measures, plans, and projects. 3) Examination and evaluation of strategies and manuals for driving the promotion of sustainable quality education development in private childcare centers in Chiang Mai province Overall, the accuracy and appropriateness were 98.96%, and the feasibility and usefulness for administrators were at a high level. The usefulness was at the highest level. The feasibility and usefulness for preschool teachers were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Silapanura, S., Poungkaew, P., Puthapraser, C., & Sanjaiprom, S. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTION OF SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION QUALITY DEVELOPMENT IN PRIVATE NURSERY, CHIANG MAI PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(10), 64–75. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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