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This research aimed to 1) Study the level of leadership in the 21st century and the need for development, 2) Study the level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding the operation of the Association of Future Thai Professionals, 3) Study the outcomes of 21st century leadership development using the Participatory Action Research Cycle, and 4) to examine the effectiveness of the 21st century leadership development program of the Executive Committee of the Association of Future Thai Professional, Surin Technical College. Four stakeholder groups were selected through specific selection methods: 1) Researchers, 2) Co-researchers, 3) People from target groups, and 4) Key informants. The research used a Participatory Action Research (PAR) model with 4 steps and 2 cycles. The research results found that 1) The overall level of leadership in the 21st century was at a moderate level ( = 3.07), with a value of necessary needs (PNI modified) = 0.47. 2) The overall level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes before development was at a low level ( = 2.36). 3) The results of development according to the participatory action research cycle from the implementation of the 2st Century Leadership Development Project passed the standard criteria for all activities, which is consistent with the consistency index or reliability value of 0.96 and 4) The effectiveness of leadership development in the 21st century includes: 1) The overall progress after development is at a high level ( = 4.40) at 77.17 percent. and 2) The overall satisfaction is at the highest level ( = 4.77) when the statistical test is compared with the specified criteria at a significant level of .01.
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