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Haruesanunt Janthong
Napassawan Charoenchaipinan
Anan Malarat


This research article aimed to 1) examine the current state of the Learning Management System at Thailand National Sports University, and 2) propose guidelines for its development. The study employed a qualitative approach with two sample groups: service providers, including administrators, instructors, and staff, and service recipients, consisting of students and graduates, totaling 20 participants. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using SWOT Analysis and Content Analysis techniques. The research findings revealed that the Learning Management System at Thailand National Sports University encompassed five main areas: curriculum, student competencies, teaching and learning processes, resource management and instructional support, and evaluation processes. The proposed development guidelines for the Learning Management System were as follows: For the curriculum, it was suggested to create specialized and diverse programs in collaboration with sports associations and various organizations to develop personnel and create unique identities for each campus. For student competency, it was recommended to promote information technology, life, English, and sports skills. In the teaching and learning process, courses were recommended to be integrated with community service, utilizing technology and information media, emphasizing personalized learning, and supporting the publication of national and international works at the graduate level, including the development of special programs for athletes. In terms of resource management and instructional support, it was recommended to develop staff expertise, provide scholarships and training, and create clear personnel management plans, promoting the use of information technology in management and modernizing equipment. Lastly, the assessment process was recommended to be developed to include diverse and clear evaluation methods.

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How to Cite
Janthong, H., Charoenchaipinan, N., & Malarat, A. (2024). DEVELOPMENT QUIDELINES FOR LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE THAILAND NATIONAL SPORTS UNIVERSITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(10), 241–252. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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