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Sirapop Sintuprasard
Yanin Kongthip
Rungfa Janjaruporn


The objectives of this research are 1) Study the beliefs related to solving real situations on statistics of students and teachers, 2) Study the ability of students to solve real situations on statistics, and 3) Study the management conditions of mathematics teaching and learning through solving real situations on statistics of teachers. The target group was 36 grade 11 students and 4 mathematics teachers of Ramkhamhaeng University Demonstration School (Secondary Division) and Srinakharinwirot University Demonstration School (Secondary Division). The research instruments were 1) A questionnaire on beliefs about solving real situations in statistics, 2) A test to measure the ability to solve real situations in statistics, and 3) An interview form on the teaching and learning of mathematics through solving real situations in statistics. We analyzed the data by determining the arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The results showed that 1) The belief related to the real-life situation problem of statistics of students and teachers is very high (equation = 2.78,  = 0.98), 2) The behavior expressed is that students focus on what the real situation wants but do not pay attention to what is determined the actual situation is not modified in the form of a variable whose value is not statistically known. It does not plan the solution, shows how to find the answer and plan at the same time, and does not pay attention to considering the answer, and 3) Teachers have knowledge and understanding of activities related to statistical real-world situations, but other workloads make teachers not have enough time for activities that fully promote problem-solving skills.

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How to Cite
Sintuprasard, S., Kongthip, Y., & Janjaruporn, R. (2024). A STUDY OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING AND LEARNING CONDITIONS FOR SOLVING REAL-SITUATION STATISTICS PROBLEMS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(11), 36–48. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/277886
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