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Uthen Watcharachinorot
Artit Saengchawek
Sukhapat Anonjarn


This research article aims to 1) To study the form of political communication for the people 2) Analyze the political communication process for the people and 3) Present a model for integrating Buddhist principles to promote political communication for Loei people, which is a combined research method. Important informants include a group of academics in Buddhism and political science. mass media group Group of members of the House of Representatives or experts and 28 local leaders specifically selected. Quantitative research The sample group consisted of 400 people who had the right to vote in Loei Province, aged 18 years and over, using a simple random sampling method. Research tools included structured interviews and questionnaires. Collect research data with an interview and distribute questionnaires. Research statistics and data analysis include mean and standard deviation. The results of the research found that: 1) General conditions of communication formats Politics for the people of Loei Province is 1.1) Knowing and understanding the principles of sending messages, 1.2) Knowing how to understand information content, 1.3) Knowing how to use various media or channels, and 1.4) Knowing, thinking, analyzing, and discerning critically. 2) The political communication process for the people of Loei Province is at a high level with an average of 3.75. When considering each aspect, it was found that the receiver side has the highest level of opinion, with an average of 3.84. In the media or channel area, it has an average of 3.81. In the message area, it has an average of 3.72 in the messenger side, it has an average of 3.61, respectively, and 3) They are integrating Buddhist principles to promote political communication for the people of Loei Province. According to the principles of Sangha Vatthu 4, it consists of 3.1) Dāna (giving), 3.2) Piyavācā (loving speech), 3.3) Atthacariya (beneficial conduct), and 3.4) Samānatta (constant self-conduct).

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How to Cite
Watcharachinorot, U., Saengchawek, A., & Anonjarn, S. (2024). INTEGRATION OF BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES TO PROMOTE POLITICAL COMMUNICATION FOR LOEI PEOPLE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(10), 333–344. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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