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This research aims to 1) study the content management of public relations of Khao Rup Chang Municipality, Songkhla Province, 2) study the media production management and news dissemination of public relations of Khao Rup Chang Municipality, Songkhla Province, and 3) study the organization management of public relations of Khao Rup Chang Municipality. This qualitative research employs in-depth interviews with seven individuals directly involved in public relations, including policy administrators, the mayor, operational executives, directors of strategy and budget divisions, heads of operational departments, heads of service and dissemination, and public relations personnel. The findings reveal that: 1) Content Management: A strategic approach is undertaken, involving the following key processes: 1.1) Target Group Analysis: Identifying and understanding specific audience segments; 1.2) Communication Objective Setting: Establishing objectives such as 1.2.1) awareness and comprehension, 1.2.2) active participation in activities and 1.2.3) campaign goals; 1.3) Message Development: Formulating key messages with emphasis on 13.1) designing clear and accessible content and 1.3.2) leveraging creativity and media selection; 1.4) Monitoring and Evaluation: This includes 1.4.1) assessing participation and feedback and 1.4.2) analyzing data for continuous improvement; 2) Media Production and Dissemination Management: The municipality manages production through 2.1) in-house creation and 2.2) outsourcing, with stringent quality and content checks prior to distribution. Social media platforms (such as Facebook, TikTok, and Line), websites, applications, e-books, and additional channels like LCD screens, loudspeakers, mobile public relations vehicles, the Kochakiri Public Relations Journal, and village heads are utilized for dissemination; and 3) Organizational management includes 3.1) the structure of the public relations agency under the Strategy and Budget Division's supervision, 3.2) responsibilities assigned to the Academic Service and Dissemination Division, with a department head overseeing, monitoring, and evaluating performance, and a team of public relations officers, Facebook page admins, and skilled TikTok officers, and 3.3) evaluation of public relations efforts both before and after activities, with follow-up on the reach and media engagement based on access metrics.
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