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Alongkorn Ausawasowan
Natthameth Dulkanit
Prasai Jhetson
Pornpat Aumpornphute
Kanista Mungprasittichai


The purposes of this research were to: 1) exploratory factor analysis of the components of media information and digital technology literacy for teachers and educational personnel on secondary educational service area office Bangkok area 1, and 2) examine the validity of the measurement model of media information and digital technology literacy for teachers and educational personnel on secondary educational service area office Bangkok area 1, using a survey research method. The sample consisted of teachers and educational personnel of the secondary educational service area office Bangkok 1, It was divided into 1,212 participants for exploratory factor analysis and 500 participants for confirmatory factor analysis, selected through stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a questionnaire on media information and digital technology literacy. Data collection involved quantitative methods. exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The research findings were as follows: 1) The exploratory factor analysis of components of media information and digital technology literacy for teachers and educational personnel were the eigen values in the range between 4.892 – 52.882 and the sum of squared score loading cumulative was 65.608, The consisted of three components: The first component involved the use of media information and digital technology literacy for educational management. The second one pertained to respecting human rights in the digital world. The last one related to respecting laws in the digital world. and 2) The measurement model of media information and digital technology literacy for teachers and educational personnel was consistent with perceptual data (χ2 = 24.713, df = 17, p-value = 0.101, GFI = 0.989, AGFI = 0.972, RMSEA = 0.028).

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How to Cite
Ausawasowan, A., Dulkanit, N., Jhetson, P., Aumpornphute, P., & Mungprasittichai, K. (2024). A STUDY OF MEDIA INFORMATION AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY LITERACY FACTORS FOR TEACHERS AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL ON SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE BANGKOK AREA 1. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(11), 353–366. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/278991
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