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This article aims to study and analyze the application of mindfulness and awareness in various professions related to living and creativity, to understand their impact on work environments, quality of life, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making in different contexts. The study found that mindfulness and awareness practice significantly enhances emotional regulation, decision-making, and job satisfaction. Additionally, it plays an essential role in reducing stress and improving focus, particularly in organizations that have implemented these practices. For instance, global technology companies have utilized mindfulness training as a tool to improve performance and reduce internal conflicts. Mindfulness is also used as a tool for mental development, fostering patience and compassion, which are crucial for alleviating suffering and managing conflicts. Furthermore, it promotes mental resilience and ethical decision-making in both educational and healthcare settings. Mindfulness training among educators and healthcare providers helps reduce stress and increase job satisfaction, as well as improving the quality of care and teaching. The key finding from this study is that mindfulness and awareness can be effectively applied in various contexts. However, it is essential to consider individual differences and contextual diversity to achieve the best and most sustainable outcomes. The application of mindfulness in work and daily life not only enhances mental health and well-being but also creates a better work environment, leading to higher-quality decision-making and interpersonal relationships.
Article Details
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