Motivation for Making a Decision to Pursue a Food Delivery Career through an Online Application of a Rider in Pathum Thani Province


  • Jirawan Ruasrijan General Management Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the royal patronage, Thailand
  • Nuttakran Sombunpoch General Management Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the royal patronage, Thailand
  • Poungphet Sukprasert General Management Program, Faculty of Business Administration, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the royal patronage, Thailand


Motivation, Decision Making, Food Delivery Service, Online Application, Rider


This research article aimed to (1) compare the difference between personal factors and career decision making of food delivery service via rider's online application in Pathum Thani Province; and (2) decision making for a career in food delivery service through rider's online application in Pathum Thani Province. This research is a quantitative research. The tools used for data collection were questionnaires. Statistics used for data analysis were t-tests, one-way analysis of variance and correlation coefficient analysis. The sample consisted of 400 people in Pathumthani Province who worked in food delivery services through an online application by purposive random sampling. The study found that Riders in Pathum Thani Province with different genders, ages, education, status, characteristics of the rider's career rider, experiences and platforms a career in food delivery service was decided through an online application. There were statistically significant differences. And the motivation and the decision to pursue a career in food delivery service via rider's online application in Pathumthani Province. There was a low to moderate correlation with the correlation (r) between 0.15-0.69. Affecting alternative seeking decisions at a statistically significant (r=.580).


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How to Cite

Ruasrijan, J., Sombunpoch, N., & Sukprasert, P. (2023). Motivation for Making a Decision to Pursue a Food Delivery Career through an Online Application of a Rider in Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Social Science Panyapat, 5(2), 223–234. Retrieved from



Research Article