Results of Learning Management by Using Multimedia Storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject in Daily Manners Affecting the Learning Achievement of Primary School Students, Year 4


  • Zainan doyha
  • Muhammadtolan Kaemah


learning management, multimedia storytelling, learning on al-Akhlaq subject, learning achievement


This research is quantitative research with the objectives of to 1) develop and find efficiency of multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject in daily manners for the primary school students, year 4 to be effective according to the criteria, 2) to compare student leaning achievement by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject in daily manners for primary school students, year 4 before and after the classes and, 3) to assess student satisfaction towards the learning on al-Akhlaq subject by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for primary school students, year 4.  In this research, the researcher collect data by, 1) one hour 40 multiple-choice pre-test using the achievement test before learning al-Akhlaq subject created by the researcher, 2) manage 8 plans by 2 hours each for al-Akhlaq subject teaching and learning activities by using multimedia storytelling of primary school, year 4, 3) one hour post-test by using the same analytical ability test as the pre-test, 4) Using a questionnaire for students' satisfaction with learning and understanding of morals, ethics, and knowledge by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for the primary school students, year 4 for the students’ comments by answering the satisfaction questionnaire as created by the researcher. The sample group used in this research is 19 primary school students, year 4 of Ban Nibong School, Kabang Sub-District, Kabang District, Yala Province, for the semester 1 of 2019 academic year by easy random.

Research tools 1) Learning management Storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject by using multimedia storytelling, 2) Learning achievement form and 3) student satisfaction towards the learning on al-Akhlaq subject by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for primary school students, year 4 by 1) develop and find efficiency of multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject in daily manners for the primary school students, year 4 before and after the class according to 80/80 criteria by using E1/E2 value), 2) to compare student leaning achievement by using Independent t-test, 3) to assess student satisfaction towards the learning on al-Akhlaq subject by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for primary school students, year 4 by using percentage and mean. The research found that, 1) the efficiency of multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject in daily manners for the primary school students, year 4 is 82.04/86.58, 2) learning achievement of the students on al-Akhlaq Subject in daily manners by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for primary school students, year 4 after the class higher than before the class in the statistical mean of .01 and 3) student satisfaction towards the learning on al-Akhlaq subject by using multimedia storytelling on al-Akhlaq subject for primary school students, year 4 is in very good scale.


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How to Cite

doyha, Z. ., & Kaemah, M. (2020). Results of Learning Management by Using Multimedia Storytelling on al-Akhlaq Subject in Daily Manners Affecting the Learning Achievement of Primary School Students, Year 4. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 1(1), 17–29. Retrieved from



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