Development the Reading Skill of Saying Pillars in Praying by Using Role-Play for Primary School Students, Year 3 Ban Batu School
Praying, Saying pillars in praying, Role-playAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the learning achievement before and after learning by using role-play technique 2) to study the reading skill of saying pillars in pray and 3) to study the satisfaction of the learners by using role-play technique. The sample of the study were 8 students studying in Primary School 3/2, Ban Batu Mittraphap 66, in the second semester of academic year 2019 by selecting from scores lower than 30. The research instruments used were (1) the lesson plans by using role-play technique, (2) the achievement test (3) the reading test of saying pillars in pray and (4) the students satisfaction questionnaire by using role-play. Statistics used to analyze the data were means, standard deviation and percent. The results of this research summarized as follows: 1) The learning achievement before and after learning, score of Post-test = 17.38 and score of Pre-test = 10.88. 2) The learning achievement reading skill of prayer quotes and prayer by using role-play, the students had in the first reading Al-Fatihah in prayer at 95.00 percent and reading Tazahud last the percentage is 76.25, as for the manner of praying the students achieved the performance in reading Al-Iftitah and Al-Fatihah in prayer as the number one at 100.00 percent and the gestures while Rugu and Sujud last the percentage is 82.50, and 3) The students satisfaction with the learning arrangements by using role-play overall at the highest level =4.50 S.D.=0.14 and the percentage 89.75.
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