The Method of the Condition with the Tool (If) in the Holy Quran (from the First Part to the Tenth Part) (An Applied Grammatical Study)


  • Amani Che-uma
  • Muhammad Waleng


the method of the condition, the tool (if), the Holy Quran.


This research aims to 1) knowing the method of the condition and the penalty in the Arabic language, 2) extracting the condition verb and its answer with the tool (if) in the Holy Quran, this research follows the descriptive and applied approach, then applies it to the Holy Quran from the first part to the tenth part. The study found that 1) The method of the condition and the penalty in the Arabic language consists of three pillars: the first is the conditional instrument, the second is the condition verb, and the last is the response to the condition. And among the means of the condition that you assert its action and its answer, which is (if). 2) The occurrence of the condition method or the action of the condition and its response with the tool (if) twenty-three (223) times in the Holy Quran from the first part to the tenth part.


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How to Cite

Che-uma, A. ., & Waleng, M. (2021). The Method of the Condition with the Tool (If) in the Holy Quran (from the First Part to the Tenth Part) (An Applied Grammatical Study). MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 2(1), 55–63. Retrieved from



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