Abstinence Education and Sexual Transmitted Disease Regarding Sexuality Health and Reproductive in Malaysia


  • Nazerah Mustafa Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia.
  • Abdul Latiff Abu Bakar International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mokmin Basri Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia.
  • Aburhamdi Usman Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor (KUIS), Malaysia.


Positions, Education, Sexuality, Virus, Abstinence


This article aims to discuss the Abstinence Education in the West, which causes various symptoms of Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) among teens involved. Sexuality Health and Reproductive in Islam help overcome the problems by looking at the difference between Abstinence Education from the West. The objectives of this study are to know the ability of teens to coordinate the threat of Sexual Transmitted diseases that originated from the west. Besides, it is to understand the meaning of Islam regarding unlawful sexual intercourse (Zina) and lastly about the preference for Sexuality Education in Islam. The method of this study is to use the document analysis from the previous books of Ulama and the Ulama of contemporaries. The primary and secondary school textbooks for sexuality education also can be referred to. Besides that, thesis and journals with the concerned topics were used according to the libraries' related fields. The accesses may be encountered by looking at all presented materials and the bibliography. The research findings answer three questions: firstly, the coordination of the Abstinence Education with Sexuality Education and Reproductive in Islam. The difference between the two perspectives from the books referred to and the differences can be seen in four aspects (4) as discussed. Secondly, the Islamic view towards unlawful sexual intercourse (zina) raised various Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STIs). Thirdly, the position on Sexuality, Health and Reproductive in Islam shows its preferences in Malaysia. The parents should strengthen their hold grips on teens and tend to be responsible for the teens and care for their goods. The implication is that sexual disease is not to take lightly, and as a result, it causes death. If hope abounds in us, we will be able to endure any situation with distress and be more determined. Therefore, the hope is that all teens are expected to gain some awareness regarding the backward of Abstinence Education. They are ready to implement Sexuality Health Education based on Islamic practiced. The conclusion is that the Malaysian might put the efforts that teens are growing into good people as a protective and expanding to support the Islamic religion in the coming future, with the blessing of Allah.  


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How to Cite

Mustafa, N. ., Abu Bakar, A. L., Basri, M. ., & Usman, A. (2022). Abstinence Education and Sexual Transmitted Disease Regarding Sexuality Health and Reproductive in Malaysia. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 3(1), 80–102. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/M-JICI/article/view/256133



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