The Development of Analytical Thinking Skill on al-Hadith Subject by Using Backward Design Technique for Secondary Islamic Studies Students, Year 2


  • Abdulrasak Deaworsanung Department of Teaching Islamic Education, Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Abdulramae Sulong Department of Teaching Islamic Education, Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University


Develop analytical thinking skills, al-Hadith subject, Backward design


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop and determine the efficiency of learning management on al-Hadith subject by using backward design technique  for secondary Islamic Studies students, year 2 to the set criterion of 80/80, 2) develop analytical thinking skills on al-Hadith subject   for secondary Islamic studies students, year 2  by using 70 % criteria,  3) compare the learning achievements on al-Hadith subject between before and after learning according to the learning management plans through reverse teaching, and 4)study the satisfaction towards the instruction by using backward design technique. The research instruments were 1) lesson plans by using backward design technique for secondary Islamic studies students, year 2 in the al-Hadith subject, 2) a test to measure the ability of analytical thinking skills for al-Hadith subject, 3) learning achievement’s test of al-Hadith subject, and 4) the satisfaction questionnaire towards instruction. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviations. The research findings were as follows 1) the efficiency of the lesson plans on the development of thinking skill by using backward design technique for secondary Islamic studies students, year 2 was E1/E2 = 80.70/83.07, 2) the result of developing analytical thinking skills was 85.45 percent by comparing the criteria higher than the specified criteria
(70 percent), 3) the students learning achievement on al-Hadith subject  after learning was higher than before learning which was considered statistically significant at the 0.05 level, and 4) the students’ satisfaction of learning management on al-Hadith subject  by using backward design technique teaching, overall, was at a very satisfactory level (  =4.18, S.D. = 0.1).


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How to Cite

Deaworsanung, A. ., & Sulong, A. (2023). The Development of Analytical Thinking Skill on al-Hadith Subject by Using Backward Design Technique for Secondary Islamic Studies Students, Year 2. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 4(1), 15–27. Retrieved from



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