Analysis of Elements of the Design Model of the Communicative Method in Teaching al-Nahu al-Arabi among Students of Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand


  • Lookman Chaka Academy of Islamic and Arabic studies, Princess of Naradhiwas University
  • Mohamad Rofian Ismail Lecture at Arabic Teaching, Faculty of Islamic Civilization, International Islamic University Selangor.
  • Ghazali Zainuddin Lecture at Arabic Teaching, Faculty of Islamic Civilization, International Islamic University Selangor.
  • Yaakob Hasan Lecture at Arabic Teaching, Faculty of Islamic Civilization, International Islamic University Selangor.


Design, Model, Communicative Method, Arabic Grammar, Princess of Naradhiwas University


This research aims to identify the elements of designing a model that is suitable for teaching al-Nahu al-Arabi using the communicative method and analyzing it among the students of Princess Naradhiwas University in Thailand. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach in collecting and analyzing data, and used the Fuzzy Delphi questionnaire as a data collection tool. It was distributed to a research sample of seven experts. The research reached several results, the most important of which are: There are four basic elements to the design that the expert committee is exposed to, namely: Determining the formulation of educational objectives amounting to five objectives, most notably: the use of correct linguistic structures in language communication situations, and the enhancement of linguistic competence in communication skills. Determining the educational contents amounted to six contents, most notably: the gradation of exercises aimed at oral expression from easy to difficult, and the frequent use of questions and answers exercises in the discussion. Selection of education strategies amounted to five strategies, the most prominent of which are: learning by acting and drama that serves the student in linguistic communication, and teaching grammar in the style of life situations. And choosing evaluation methods amounted to five methods, most notably: oral tests, and qualitative questions such as: the formation of short sentences in a variety of formats.


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How to Cite

Chaka, L., Ismail, M. R. ., Zainuddin, G. ., & Hasan, Y. . (2023). Analysis of Elements of the Design Model of the Communicative Method in Teaching al-Nahu al-Arabi among Students of Princess of Naradhiwas University, Thailand. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 4(1), 51–64. Retrieved from



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