An Analytical Study of Hadith Mursal and the Views of Islamic Scholars on Its Application in Islamic Principles


  • Ni-abadee Ming Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Abdulhadee Sabuding Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus
  • Abdulloh Al-Usamah Department of Islamic Creed and Philosophy, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus


Hadith Mursal, Islamic scholars, Fiqh


The objective of this research aimed to study the views of Islamic scholars on Hadith Mursal and its standpoint of the application in Islamic principles. This study was the documentary research by examining books of Fiqh scholars and Hadith scholars and analyzing the comparison of Usul al-Hadith and Usul al-Fiqh. The results revealed that Fiqh scholars and Hadith scholars have different definitions and concepts on Hadith Mursal. The reliability of the Hadith narrators was an important consideration, which was related to the era and status of the reporters including the companions of the Prophet (Sahabah) and the pious predecessors (al-Salaf al-Salih) Accordingly, the standpoint of the application in Islamic principles was divided into three views: 1) uphold and apply in all cases, 2) reject and refuse to apply, and
3) set conditions for use that require other evidence to support. How to apply the results: As guidelines for the Faculty of Islamic Science, Wasatiyyah Studies Center, Islamic leaders, Islamic teachers and the public, the findings can be applied in the principle and respect for the differences in viewpoints, based on the concepts and conditions for the application of the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).



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How to Cite

Ming, N.- abadee, Sabuding, A., & Al-Usamah, A. . (2023). An Analytical Study of Hadith Mursal and the Views of Islamic Scholars on Its Application in Islamic Principles. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 4(2), 51–61. retrieved from



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