Effectiveness of Interactive Based Learning at Quizizz Application: An Action Research on Malay for Tourism Subject


  • Djusmalinar Department of Malay Language and Malay Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus


Effectiveness, Application Quizizz, Malay Language, Tourism, Subjec


The Corona Virus -19 pandemic has changed face-to-face teaching in schools to online classes using tools such as namely TS Team, Zoom, Google Meet, Facebook, or Line. This also has an impact on education at the Prince of Songkla University (PSU) Pattani campus during the semester year 2020-2021, as well as for courses the subject of the Malay Language for Tourism. For teaching to continue and to be successful, the teacher must be creative and innovative in utilizing the available online infrastructure so that the three hours of teaching become more engaging. For this reason, the infrastructure used by teacher during teaching uses the Quizizz application so that teaching is not boring and fun. This research method uses a qualitative method. The qualitative approach is used on two components, first on the Quizizz application five times and second on the questionnaire given to students. Several questions are given to get feedback about the Quizizz application and their satisfaction and opinions after using it. The results found that the Quizizz application is very effective in knowing the students' understanding after attending the Malay for Tourism subject class. Games through the Quizizz application are given as many as five titles, with two times play as a pre-test and post-test. Each topic is given 20 -30 questions. The game results found that students who listen and follow the learning for 3 hours can answer questions quickly and accurately and get a high score. In contrast, those who respond late will have a reduced score. The survey results found that students enjoy playing the Quizizz game because it can eliminate tension and boredom in learning.


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How to Cite

Djusmalinar. (2023). Effectiveness of Interactive Based Learning at Quizizz Application: An Action Research on Malay for Tourism Subject. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 4(2), 98–113. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/M-JICI/article/view/268443



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