Weighting Method for Grammatical Issues between Ibnu Hisham al-Ansori and Abi al-Hasan al-Ashmouni in Their Explanation of Alfiyah Ibnu Malik


  • Muhammadfadlishah Doloh Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Fatoni University
  • Samsu Chekleng Arabic Language and Literature Faculty Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Fatoni University


Grammatical Weighting, Grammatical Issues, Ibnu Hisham, Alfiyah Ibnu Malik


This research aims to balance preference of grammatical issues agreed upon and disagreed upon between Ibnu Hisham and AL-Ashmouni in the book of Au-dhahul masalik and the book of Minhagusalik., and the description of following method of Ibnu Hisham and AL-Ashmouni in their preference of grammatical issues, In this study the researcher followed the comparative and analytical approach, And includes the method followed by Ibnu Hisham and AL-Ashmouni in their preference of grammatical issues in basrians method, kufites method, And  this result is weighting agreed upon between Ibnu Hisham and AL-Ashmouni has nineteen issues, and weighting disagreed upon between them has sixteen issues in six mar-fu-aat, eighteen man-su-baat and three maj-ru-raat.


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How to Cite

Doloh, M., & Chekleng, S. (2024). Weighting Method for Grammatical Issues between Ibnu Hisham al-Ansori and Abi al-Hasan al-Ashmouni in Their Explanation of Alfiyah Ibnu Malik. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 5(1), 124–132. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/M-JICI/article/view/268958



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