Dance Education: A Pedagogy for Empowerment


  • Joseph Gonzales


dance education, dance pedagogy, Malaysian dance, pedagogy of the oppressed, multiple intelligences, multi-cultural dance, dance theatre


This paper investigates pedagogical approaches to teaching dance, beyond the traditional delivery of codified dance techniques. The paper reports on the system of dance education being employed at the National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage Malaysia, which has produced graduates of exceptional ability whose success is benchmarked against national and international awards and scholarships. For the most part, students in the program come from underprivileged and disenfranchised backgrounds. Framed by two influential pedagogical theories, Paolo Friere’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressedˮ and Howard Gardner’s theory of “multiple intelligences,ˮ the following approach and case studies of two students who have benefitted from it reveal the transformative and empowering potential of dance education.


