Students’ Developmental Preparation Model and Mechanism for 2040

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Teerawat Oanteng
Paweenawat ruengrojtana


Higher education in the next 20 years tends to rapidly transform due to technological and digital advancement encouraging worldwide communication without barriers. It allows remote learning, life-long learning, and scientific development; it also provides working labour demand and new future career opportunities. Shortly, universities will cooperate more with manufacturers regarding technology, including artificial intelligence, virtual world, and robotic telepresence.  These technologies increase the digital learning community in universities. It benefits the universities with challenging adaptation and affects students’ development of essential learning skills and attributes after graduation. Graduate students should be ready for a turbulent world and have good enough to compete in a labour market. Therefore, universities must be insightful in students’ development and preparation for upcoming challenges; the universities must be driven by students’ development models and mechanisms to prepare for 2040. 

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How to Cite
Oanteng, T. ., & ruengrojtana, P. . . (2023). Students’ Developmental Preparation Model and Mechanism for 2040. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 2(2), 75–84. Retrieved from
Academic article


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