Online Marketing Communications to Support Student Application Decisions of Vocational Education Students: A Case Study of a Private College In the Bangkok Yai area Bangkok
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The purposes of this research are 1) To study online marketing communications to support vocational students' decision to apply for study. Case study of a private college 2) to use the research results as recommendations for online marketing communication guidelines of case study institutions. This research is a mixed methods research. sample group Vocational level students who apply to study through public relations, online marketing communications, in the academic year 2022, only the Vocational Certificate level (Vocational Certificate), year 1, who fill out an online application in the amount of 300 people. The research tools used were questionnaires for data analysis, percentages, and chi-square statistics.
The results of the research found that the overall opinions of the respondents on online marketing communication emphasized the completeness of the information (87.67%), the variety of online media use (83.00%), and the fast response to online questions (82.78%), respectively. The opinions of the respondents emphasized the decision-making of vocational students to apply for enrollment (80.93%). Considering each item, it was found that the students were satisfied with the location of the college. And students were satisfied with the college personnel at 83.67 percent and the relationship between online marketing communication that is linked to the decision to apply for study of vocational students found that = (4, n = 300) = 5.056, p = 0.281, p value greater than .05. There is not enough evidence to accept that online marketing communication and the decision to apply for study of vocational students have a statistical relationship with p value>.05. This is because the reputation and quality of the college in the case study builds confidence among students and parents, causing them to be interested before communicating with online marketing in order to know complete information. Make students and parents decide to apply to study.
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