Factors Affecting the Use of Elderly Care Staff Dispatchcenter Services In Bangkok
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The objectives of this research are to compare factors influencing the decision to use the service of the elderly care staff dispatch center. and to compare the factors that influence the decision to use the service of the center to send care staff for the elderly. In Bangkok. The research model is quantitative, using a survey research method with data collection via an online questionnaire. The sample group consists of Thai people aged 25 years and over, who have used or are likely to use the services of the center to send staff to care for the elderly in the future. The sample population consisted of 425 people living in the Bangkok area and collect data using questionnaires which uses data analysis to test hypotheses using inferential statistics, consisting of One-Way ANOVA (F-Test) and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The research findings revealed that the research findings revealed that demographic factors, particularly age and average monthly income There are different decisions to make in choosing to use the services of the center for sending staff to care for the elderly in Bangkok and marketing mix factors Personnel and process aspects It has an influence on the decision to use the service of the elderly care staff dispatch center in Bangkok at a statistical significance level of 0.05.
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