
Call For Papers - JBAL vol. 12 no. 2 (July - December 2024)


   We invite author(s) to submit research article(s) to publish in Journal of Business Administration and Languages (JBAL) vol. 12 no. 2 (July - December 2024), online by December 2024. The articles will be carefully reviewed by double-blind peer review before publishing.

   For additional information please contact via e-mail: / tel.: (+66)2-763-2600 ext. 2704, 2752

Publication Fee Change


    Publication fee of Journal of Business Administration and Languages (JBAL), has been changed from 2,500 Baht/article to 3,000 Baht/article (95 USD/article*).

*Depending on currency exchange rate


Editorial Team
Tel. (+66)-2763-2600 ext. 2704, 2752 or (+66)99-324-2211

Journal Name Change


    We are pleased to announce that TNI Journal of Business Administration and Languages, ISSN 2672-9997 (Online) has been renamed to Journal of Business Administration and Languages (JBAL), ISSN 2774–0609 (Online) since Vol. 9 No. 2 (July - December 2021).