Financial Behavior of Elderly in Phayao Province

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กานต์พิชชา กองคนขวา


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the financial behavior of the elderly 2) to study the factors influencing the savings/investing of the elderly. The sample of this research is the people aged more than 60 and living in Phayao province. The research instruments were checklist questionnaires and 4-point rating scale questionnaires. The results were found by descriptive and inferential statistics, consisting of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, and chi-square. The results are as follows;

       1. The elderly always consider about price, quality, and priority before buying goods.
       2. The elderly surveyed sometimes must borrow money as a consequence of they do not limit their daily or monthly expenditure.
       3. Most of the elderly savings at the bank.
       4. Three factors influence the savings/investing of the elderly: income, expenditure, and source of income.
       5.  There are relationship found between income and consumption behavior; between income and debt behavior; and between income and saving/investing behavior.
       6. There are relationship found between expenditure and consumption behavior; between expenditure and debt behavior; and between expenditure and saving/investing behavior.
       7. There are relationship found between debt and consumption behavior; between debt and debt behavior; and between debt and saving/investing behavior.

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Research Article


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