Marketing Mix Factors Affecting the Purchasing Decision Behavior of Pork Retailers in Swine Purchasing in Chumphon Province

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ลำยอง บัวผัน
บุญฤทธิ์ ผ่องเมฆินทร์


This research ware integrated with Qualitative and Quantitative research. The objective of this research were studied (1) the relation factor of marketing mix (7P’s) and purchasing decision of pork retailers in Chumphon Province (2) To study the marketing mix (7P’s) and purchasing decision of pork retailers in Chumphon Province and (3) To analyze the marketing mix (7P’s) which was affected in retailers in Chumphon Province. This research using both qualitative research and quantitative research, used in-depth interview from 8 experts and analyzed by content analysis technique. The quantitative research samples were 196 pork retailers in Chumphon Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire that has been tested using descriptive statistics and multiple regression.

The research found that (1) the opinions of experts in swine industry showed that marketing mix (7P’s) and the purchasing decision behavior factor that the equally important. (2) The results of marketing mix (7P’s) found that average of process factor, physical evidence factor, product factor were high. Purchasing decision behaviors found that the average of evaluation of alternatives factor and post–purchase evaluation factor were high. And (3) Marketing mix (7P’s) affected in purchasing decision behavior of pork retailers in swine purchasing in Chumphon Province at 0.05 % significant level.  

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