Management Factors Affecting the Key Success of Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises in Chumphon Province

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ณชพัฒน์ ศรีหิรัญ
บุญฤทธิ์ ผ่องเมฆินทร์


      This is an integrated survey research using both quantitative and qualitative research techniques which aimed 1) to study the characteristics, management, 2) to study the characteristics and to study the management factors affecting the key success of Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurs in Chumphon Province, and 3) to study the qualitative information about the factors affecting the key success of Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurs in Chumphon Province. The research revealed that 1) The characteristics showed that Leadership had the highest mean, followed by Attitude and Experience  respectively. 2) The characteristics and management of entrepreneurs were significantly correlated with entrepreneurship of small and medium enterprises. 3) The qualitative stated that the characteristics of the entrepreneurs; Leadership, Attitude, and Experience all had impact on business success but at different levels depending upon the long term experiences, knowledge, and expertise of the individuals. On Business administration; Access of Funds, Labor management, Marketing management, and Business management were all equally important.


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Research Article


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