The Effects of Problem-Based Learning in the Topic of Environment on Problem Solving Skills and Analytical Thinking Skills of Mathayom Suksa VI Students in Phuket Province
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The purposes of this study were (1) to compare problem solving skills of Mathayom Suksa VI students through using the Problem-Based Learning approaches with those taught through traditional teaching methods in the topic of environment; and (2) to compare analytical thinking skills of Mathayom Suksa VI students through using the Problem-Based Learning approaches with those taught through traditional teaching methods in the topic of environment. The research sample consisted of 53 Mathayom Suksa VI students at Phuket Thaihua Asian Wittaya School in the 2016 academic year, obtained by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were comprised of (1) the Problem-Based Learning approaches lesson plans in the topic of environment; (2) a problem solving skills test; and (3) an analytical thinking skills test. The data was statistically analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. The study found (1) that the post-learning problem solving skills of students who learned using the Problem-Based Learning approaches were insignificantly higher than that of students who learned under traditional teaching methods at the .05 level; and (2) the post-learning analytical thinking skills of students who learned using the Problem-Based Learning approaches were significantly higher than that of students who learned under the traditional teaching methods at the .05 level.
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