Output Based upon Input, the Result from Data Analytics and Visualization of TNI Registration System’s Data

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Prajak Chertchom


The large amount of computerized data in business has been steadily increasing over the years.  Data extraction using data analytics and visualization have been widely used to discover information knowledge from various areas. This paper analysed data with statistic tools and visual analysis to extract and gather information from registration system in order to;

  1. 1. Understand students and predict an academic performance condition.

  2. 2. Compare a knowledge’s result from statistic tools with graphical output from visualization software.

Registration data was obtained from department of academic affair of Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology from year 2007-2015. In this study, we only focused on IT student’s data that contains 1,822 rows. Based on the applied techniques that we have developed, we found that academic performance (GPA) of TNI’s IT students have lower average GPAs and not different result from their previous level (High school). In addition, data analytic and visual analysis can help a university to evaluate their teaching performance, gain insight into their students, discover knowledge and make evidence-based for future educational planning decisions. Moreover, Data visualization allows an organization to make better business decisions from allows insights into a big data. 


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Research Article


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