Peacekeeping in ASEAN and the OAS a Comparative Analysis

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Jordan Peterson


The nature of peacekeeping has also changed. Peacekeeping has gone from operations that have involved mediating and observing ceasefires between states, to direct intervention in conflicts where state authority has been overthrown or has collapsed. A corollary to this has been the growing focus on issues that fall outside the realm of traditional military topics but touch on issues of democracy, human rights, economic development and environmental issues. These non-traditional security challenges have redefined the scope of peacekeeping.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has in recent years expressed a desire to develop an ASEAN peace­keeping force. This paper addresses the question of whether the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has developed an institutional framework that would lead to an ASEAN peace­keeping or peacebuilding force.

This paper then addresses ASEAN’s contemporary peacekeeping dilemma. Acomparative analysis ofASEAN with the Organization of American States serves to highlight the ongoing deficiencies in ASEAN. ASEAN has failed to make critical reforms that would enable peacekeeping or peace-building. This comparative analysis shows that ASEAN despite its move to create a political-security community with a peace­keeping component lacks the institutional capabilities that the Organization of American States has instituted.


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Research Article


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