Exploration of Suspected Relationships between Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Customer repurchase behavior

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Benjawan Leecharoen
Rojanasak Chomvilailuk


With respect to traditional models projecting positive relationship between customer satisfaction and customer repurchase behavior, there have been a gigantic number of empirical studies supporting this conceptual relationship. There, however, have been a lot of investigations postulating the weaken relationship and insignificant associations. Some research presents the mediating roles of customer loyalty in the rapport. Meanwhile, some research suspects the mediating roles of the customer loyalty. Furthermore, recent literature specifically

displays the effect of the preference of communication channel on customer satisfaction and result in the customer purchase retention. Unfair exchange induces non-satisfaction of customer. Interestingly, previous research finds the variety-seeking trait of customers negatively affecting on customer repurchases. Conclusively, the previous research shows various effects of the various independent, mediating, and moderating variables deviated from the conventional relationship.

          This research, therefore, aims to examine what and why the new significant and modified independent variables, mediating constructs, and the moderating conditions support and reject the traditional models. Original contributions are the findings of the aforementioned constructs predicting and developing the nontraditional models by exploration research approach conducted through observation and face-to-face interview in the Thailand’s automobile context.

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